Features, examples, and everything you need to know about using checklists
Discover why Jira users love Checklist for jira (Pro).
Discover how you can save time, standardize processes and increase efficiency by combining checklists with Jira automation and workflow behaviors.
Learn why and how to use Definition of Done lists in Jira.
Why and how to update from Checklist for Jira Cloud to Checklist for Jira Enterprise.
Discover how you can easily use Global Checklists and Checklist Templates for Definition of Done and Acceptance Criteria lists in Jira.
Want to save space on the Jira issue view and see the status of your checklists at a glance? Checklist for Jira now supports tab view.
Checklist for Jira Free will have a limit of 10,000 items per instance beginning October 1st.
Discover all the things you can do with shared custom fields – now available in Jira Team-managed projects.
Learn how you can collapse an epic into a single Jira issue until you’re ready to start developing it, allowing you to enjoy a clutter-free backlog.